Jonathan Furlong - 1981

Jon is keen on memorializing people’s rawness, ready in passing or peripheral moments and angles off-kilter. He prefers capturing his subjects when their attention lies off of his lens when he can steal a glimpse of them living unrehearsed. Self-taught photographer, best known for his street documentation of world renowned Artist for the past 15 years. Along with Street artist, Jon has captured an array of celebrities and the elite, all while being in the shadows. Letting his work speak for itself and he knows the intent and priority of the photograph. It is not who shot it, rather the story of a moment: joyful or sad, the real meaning behind the life is the moments and the meaning they have within ones reality. Jon realizes that fact and knows the difference with his intent while working on projects and what his motives are. They all fall back to the same place, the connection and moments that create his life. Seeing the world from a perspective of curiosity and imagination. Wanting to connect with other beings and share this time or reality we created.
